Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two Capital Moments

                                          - PARIS -

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lodève - Another Windy City.

A little trip through Lodève. The small town at the foot of the Larzac, which like Brooklyn is as despised as it is full of color. The maudlin sous-prefecture where small moments arrive and briefly things can appear to be bright.  A human town that tries it's best to forget the things that really are. 

Kassel, Allemagne - Germany - Deutscheland

                                          Kassel.   Documenta 13.   The place and moment
                                          where the art disapearred and creation opened up.
                                          From Der KultureBahnhof to the Hugenottenhaus.
                                          Kassel.                                                Looking up.